Homeowners' Insurance Benefits

As a homeowner, you know how important it is to protect your biggest investment. I want to tell you about Elevate Home Warranty. They offer special “Homescription” plans that go beyond a standard warranty.1 These plans cost between $450 and $850 a year. They cover many systems and appliances.

One thing that makes Elevate shine is their focus on great customer service. They have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. People love their helpful and quick support team.1But, remember, Elevate’s services are available in parts of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona only.

Next, I will explain the great features of Elevate’s “Homescription” plans. They include things like property coverage and protection for when accidents happen. This knowledge will help you choose the best protection for your home.

Key Takeaways

  • Elevate Home Warranty offers “Homescription” plans with more than standard warranty coverage
  • Plans range from $450 to $850 per year and include system, appliance, and maintenance services
  • Elevate has an A+ BBB rating and positive customer reviews for their responsive customer service
  • Service area is currently limited to parts of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona
  • Plans feature higher-than-average coverage limits and a range of customizable add-ons

What is Homeowners’ Insurance Benefits?

Homeowners’ insurance protects your home, your most valuable asset. It gives you many benefits to keep your property and finances safe.2

Property Coverage

It covers the structure of your home from things like fire, theft, or weather damage. This includes repairs or rebuilding. Your personal items, like furniture and clothes, are also protected. Even structures outside your home, such as garages, are usually covered.2

Liability Protection

Liability coverage is also included. This helps if someone gets hurt on your property. It pays their medical and legal costs if you’re sued.2 Some plans, such as the Totally Elevated Plan, extend this protection for your appliances and major systems up to $10,000/2.

Additional Living Expenses

If a loss makes your home unlivable, your insurance can help with living elsewhere. This can include stays in hotels or covering rent. It’s there to support you until your house is ready again.2


Importance of Comprehensive Home Coverage

Elevate’s plans might not cover damage from natural disasters or sudden traumas. But they offer broad coverage that’s crucial for protecting homeowners from such impacts.3 They help pay for the repair or replacement of systems and appliances that wear out. This is essential after a natural disaster strikes.

Natural Disaster Protection

These plans safeguard a homeowner’s personal items. Think items like furniture, devices, and the like. They protect up to certain limits, which can be a real lifesaver.

Personal Belongings Coverage

Elevate also takes care of fixing parts of the home, such as the actual building and any add-ons.3 This keeps the home stable and protects the owner’s property investment.

Structural Damage Safeguard

With Elevate’s comprehensive coverage, your home is safer against many risks. These range from natural disasters to major system failures. It keeps your home’s value and function secure.

Natural disaster coverage

Understanding Replacement Cost Value

Replacement cost homeowners insurance is usually more expensive than actual cash value. But, it doesn’t take away for depreciation.4 Home insurance might pay for your stuff at its current value. This is unless you add coverage for the full replacement cost of your items.4 With replacement cost value insurance, you get enough money to buy a new item if it’s damaged. Actual cash value considers wear and tear.4 The cost of your insurance depends on what it would currently cost to rebuild your house or replace your stuff.4

Your personal property is often covered for 50 to 70 percent of your home’s coverage. This can be adjusted as needed.4 A special kind of coverage, guaranteed replacement cost, means your house can be rebuilt no matter the cost.4 Another type, extended replacement cost, might add 25 to 30 percent more than your policy’s limit.4

Having a replacement cost coverage can help your family go back to their home quickly. It also lessens the financial hit.5 Make sure to insure your home for at least the total estimated replacement cost. This gives you the best protection.5 Don’t forget to check your policy each year. You want to make sure it still meets your needs.5

Navigating Deductibles and Discounts

Deductible Considerations


Elevate Home Warranty’s plans include a service call fee. This fee ranges from $75 to $85 in certain states.6 Homeowners pay it when they file a claim, regardless of their policy’s coverage limits. Knowing about this fee helps homeowners plan for additional costs when using their warranty.

Available Discount Options

One source states that Elevate Home Warranty provides discounts on several home services. These include carpet cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, lawn care, and smart home technology setup.6 Such discounts give homeowners more benefits than just the warranty.

Deductible and Discounts

Streamlining the Claims Process

Dealing with claims is key to getting the most from your homeowners’ insurance. At Elevate Home Warranty, we know how vital it is to have clear records and file on time. This leads to an easy claims process.7

Documentation Requirements

Elevate Home Warranty asks for many details when making a claim. Homeowners need to explain the issue clearly and share what they’ve done to fix it. You might need to show receipts, invoices, or other proof.

Following these rules helps make the claims process go smoothly. It also boosts your chances of a good outcome.78

Timely Filing

Timely filing is crucial. If there’s a problem that’s been there before or that you knew about but didn’t fix, it might not be covered.9 Knowing your policy well and filing claims without delay is key. This could prevent obstacles in getting your claim approved.9

Being well-informed about what Elevate Home Warranty asks for is important. It means you can handle claims confidently. This way, your home stays safe from breakdowns or failures that are covered.798

Dwelling Coverage Essentials


Your home is very important, and keeping it safe matters a lot. Elevate Home Warranty’s plans help with fixing and changing parts of your house, like the main building and any extensions.10 This keeps your home safe and sound, even when things break.

Structural Components

Elevate’s protection includes key parts of your house: walls, roofs, and floors. It also covers things like appliances and cabinets.10 With this wide coverage, your place is safe, and you can feel relaxed about your buy.

Attached Structures

Plans from Elevate also take care of extra buildings like garages and sheds.10 This full protection means your whole property is looked after, no matter the issue.

Dwelling Coverage

Personal Property Protection Inclusions

Elevate Home Warranty’s plans give strong coverage for your personal property. They protect your investments, including furniture and big appliances.11 With this, your belongings are safe if they break or fail, keeping you financially secure.

Furniture and Appliances

Elevate knows how important your furniture and appliances are. Their plans cover fixing or replacing them when they’re damaged or stop working.11 This gives you peace of mind. You know your key home items are looked after.

Electronics and Valuables

Elevate’s coverage goes beyond furniture and appliances to electronics and valued items.1112 It ensures your expensive or special things are protected, up to certain limits, in case something happens.

Liability Coverage Breakdown

Elevate Home Warranty’s plans protect homeowners with strong liability coverage. They provide a safety net, safeguarding against unforeseen events. This includes covering costs for injuries to visitors on your property.13

Medical Payments to Others

Personal liability coverage is crucial. It helps pay for medical bills if someone gets hurt at your home. Bills can climb above $50,000, which is why this coverage is important to have. It keeps you calm knowing you’re protected if an accident happens at home.13

Property Damage Liability

If you cause damage to someone’s property, Elevate’s coverage helps. It protects you from legal and financial troubles. So, if something happens at your place, you’re not alone.14

Experts suggest $300,000 of coverage, but some plans offer as little as $100,000.14 Elevate goes beyond. They offer more coverage and even allow for extra protection with an umbrella policy. This can add $1 million or more to your liability coverage for a few hundred dollars extra.

Theft and Burglary Safeguards

Elevate Home Warranty’s plans don’t directly cover theft or burglary. But, they do cover your personal property in a comprehensive way. This offers important financial protection if theft or burglary happens.15 Usually, homeowner’s policies have coverage for your personal items. This includes protection from theft.15 They set limits on how much they’ll pay, usually based on the home’s value.15 You can also get extra protection with options like Brand New Belongings. This means they’ll help pay for new items if yours get stolen, with no deduction for the item’s age.15

Securing Valuables


Even with some coverage for personal items, it’s wise for homeowners to secure their valuables. This can help prevent theft.16 The FBI found that many burglaries happen when people are away during the day. Others happen at night. About a third occur while people are at home.16 Stolen items in these burglaries were worth an average of $2,661.16 To protect valuables, using smart security devices is a good idea. Things like cameras and motion sensors can deter thieves.16 Many homeowners are already using these, with 59% reporting to own such tools.16

Preventive Measures

Elevate’s plans don’t cover damage by a lack of maintenance or homeowner neglect.15 If there’s a covered loss, you will need to pay a deductible from your home, condo, or renters’ policy first. Then, they’ll help with the rest.15 Homeowners should keep up with maintenance to make sure the warranty works well. They should also try to avoid problems with their home’s parts and appliances.16 According to a report by LexisNexis, the number of theft insurance claims has been going down since 2014.16

Home security


Elevate Home Warranty offers “Homescription” plans that go beyond a typical warranty. They have strong property coverage, liability protection, and help with living costs if needed.17 This is great for homeowners looking for broad home protection for peace of mind and financial safety.

But, remember that Elevate’s service area is limited. Homeowners should look into any extra fees and things not covered very closely.17 It’s also key to keep up with home maintenance and try to prevent problems. Elevate doesn’t cover damage from being careless.18

Elevate Home Warranty’s top-tier “Homescription” plans truly raise the bar for protecting your home. They cover various property, liability, and living cost needs.17 Known for their excellent customer service and wide coverage, Elevate is a great choice for more home security and financial stability.


What is included in Elevate Home Warranty’s property coverage?

Elevate’s coverage handles big items like AC and heating systems. It also includes the plumbing and electrical systems inside your home. Plus, it covers major home appliances.Their plans go further to include faucets, attic fans, and more. This makes sure you’re covered for a wide range of repairs.

What liability protection does Elevate Home Warranty provide?

With Elevate, you get something extra – liability protection. Their top plan includes up to ,000 for systems and ,000 for appliances. This is more than many other providers offer.

Does Elevate Home Warranty cover additional living expenses?

Yes, their top Totally Elevated Plan will pay for emergency lodging if you can’t stay at home. It’s there to help if you need to move out for a bit due to a covered issue.

Does Elevate Home Warranty’s coverage extend to natural disasters?

Elevate doesn’t cover damages from natural disasters or sudden incidents. But, they do cover issues that come from regular use. This keeps your systems and appliances protected.

How does Elevate Home Warranty’s personal belongings coverage work?

Elevate’s plans cover your personal stuff inside your home. This means your furniture, appliances, and electronics are safer. They look out for your prized possessions.

What is Elevate Home Warranty’s policy on replacement cost value?

Elevate is generous here. Their top plan allows for up to ,000 for system items and ,000 for appliances. This means you can get new replacements right when you need them.

What are the deductible requirements for Elevate Home Warranty?

Each claim with Elevate comes with a service call fee. This fee usually ranges from to . You pay it when you need a repair, along with any other policy limits.

What discounts are available with Elevate Home Warranty?

Elevate offers more than just main warranty coverage. They have discounts for carpet and dryer cleaning, lawn care, and even smart home setups. This gives you extra saving options.

What is the claims process like with Elevate Home Warranty?

To file a claim with Elevate, you need to include specific information. This means details about the problem and any fix attempts, plus receipts. Knowing what to provide makes claims smoother.

Does Elevate Home Warranty cover structural damage?

Yes to structural repairs and replacements with Elevate. This means the main house and any attached structures are looked after. Your house stays safe and strong.

What personal property items are covered by Elevate Home Warranty?

Elevate protects your personal property like furniture and electronics. It makes sure your valuable items are included in your protection plan.

What liability coverage does Elevate Home Warranty provide?

Elevate helps with third party expenses if they get hurt on your property. Plus, it covers damage your home causes outside. It adds an extra layer of protection.

How does Elevate Home Warranty address theft and burglary?

They don’t directly cover theft, but your home’s things are protected. This might help if your belongings are stolen. Just remember to keep your home secure.

Are there any exclusions or limitations in Elevate Home Warranty’s coverage?

Elevate’s plans won’t cover damage from not keeping up with maintenance or from negligence. Make sure to care for your home’s parts well. This keeps the warranty working for you.

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