Life Insurance Basics

In today’s volatile economy and changing financial world, a good life insurance plan is key. It secures your family’s future. Life insurance is vital for our overall financial plan. It offers a payout that helps with costs, debts, and the needs of those we leave behind. Knowing the key points of life insurance and its unique parts is important for our future plans.

Life insurance comes in many types, each for different needs and goals. There is term life, whole life, universal life, and more. Learning about the coverage, costs, beneficiaries, and how to claim helps us choose well.


Additionally, knowing about policy riders, the underwriting, and what affects premiums helps manage your coverage well. Whether needing protection for a long or short time, or both, knowing your life insurance options is smart.

Understanding life insurance basics lets us make smart choices. Think carefully before you decide. Always talk to a financial expert for advice. They help tailor the right life insurance for your needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Life insurance provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your passing.
  • Understanding the different types of life insurance policies and their features is crucial for making informed decisions.
  • Factors like premiums, coverage amounts, and the underwriting process can impact the life insurance plan that’s best for you.
  • Consulting with a financial professional can help you navigate the complexities of life insurance and find the optimal solution for your situation.
  • Regularly reviewing your life insurance needs and making adjustments as your life circumstances change can help ensure your coverage remains aligned with your goals.

Understanding Life Insurance Risk Classes

When you get life insurance, your health and lifestyle decide your risk class. The healthiest people are in the “Super Preferred Nonsmoker” group, the best class. For this, you need top health, five years without smoking, normal weight, and clean checkups. Your family history must lack early deaths from heart disease or cancer.2

Super Preferred Nonsmoker

Next is the “Preferred Nonsmoker,” a very good place to be. Here, being very healthy matters most. You can have an occasional cigar if you pass the nicotine test. Also, you don’t need to be super fit. Early cancer or heart disease deaths in close family might rule you out.2

Preferred Nonsmoker


Then there’s the “Standard Plus Nonsmoker” level. It’s for healthy but not perfect nonsmokers. It’s ok if you’re treating high blood pressure, if it’s under control.2

Standard Plus Nonsmoker

After that comes the “Standard Nonsmoker,” which fits most people. Even if you’re overweight or manage high blood pressure, you might be okay. And the death of a family member from heart disease or cancer before 60 is alright.2

Standard Nonsmoker

Now, onto the “Preferred Smoker.” It’s for smokers who could have been in a better class if they quit. If you recently stopped smoking, you might get a better rate. But for the top rates, you’ll need to be smoke-free for at least five years.2

Preferred Smoker

Finally, the “Standard Smoker” group. It’s for smokers who aren’t in the best health.2

Standard Smoker

Life Insurance Underwriting Process

The life insurance underwriting process checks your financial and personal details. This helps decide the right coverage and how much you’ll pay.3 Companies will look at your money and things you own. They want to see if the coverage you want is the right amount.3 They also check if you already have other life insurance to see what more you can get.3 Your life insurance costs are not linked to your credit score. But they will examine your credit history for seven years.4 If there’s a bankruptcy, insurance might cost more because you might be seen as a higher risk.4

Financial Underwriting

To get life insurance, you go through a four to six-week process.3 But, there’s a faster way called accelerated underwriting, which can take just two weeks or even less for some people.3 With accelerated underwriting, you could get your application reviewed on the same day.3 This process looks at how healthy and risky your lifestyle might be.3 Filling out your application carefully and honestly can make it all go smoother.3

Credit Score and Bankruptcy

Digging into your credit history is part of how insurance companies decide on your application.4 If there’s a bankruptcy, they might think you’re a bigger risk. This could mean you have to pay more for the insurance you want.4

Tips to Secure Better Life Insurance Rates

Trying to get cheaper life insurance is not as hard as it seems. There are simple steps you can take. One good way is to stop smoking. Smokers pay much more, sometimes three times as much as non-smokers. To get the lower rates, you need to have stopped smoking for at least a year.

Quit Smoking

Getting healthier can also lower your life insurance costs. If you’re overweight, losing some pounds can help. But, even if you’re not at your best weight, improving your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers can reduce how much you pay.5

Maintain a Healthy Weight


Don’t settle on the first life insurance plan you see. It’s vital to shop around. Different companies have different rules. This means one company may see you as a top choice, while another might not. Using an independent insurance agent can simplify this. They help you look at many offers, especially if you have health issues.5

Shop Around for Competitive Rates

Follow these tips to find better life insurance rates. It’s crucial for protecting your family’s future. Always keep your policy up to date. Revisit and review it as your financial situation changes over time.6

life insurance rates

Life Insurance Basics

Life insurance is a contract you make with an insurance company. It gives your loved ones money if you die.7 The money helps with things like paying for the funeral, clearing debts, and future expenses.7 There are different types of life insurance, such as whole life or term life. It’s crucial to pick the right one for you and your family.

7 Term life insurance lasts from one to 30 years.7 Over time, its benefit lessens. Conversely, whole life insurance maintains a steady benefit.7 Universal life allows for changeable premium payments. Variable life includes investing options7, while universal variable life combines the perks of both.

8 Term life gives protection for a certain time, like 10 to 20 years.8 On the other hand, whole or universal life offer long-term or even lifelong coverage. The price you pay for insurance is based on several things, including your age and health.

New York Life is a good choice because it has paid dividends every year since 1854. It’s also highly rated by financial strength agencies.8

9 Many top life insurance companies offer various types of policies.9 This includes permanent plans from companies like MassMutual and New York Life. They can cover people up to age 85 or 90.9 The length of term life insurance can be 10, 20, or 30 years. Women often pay less for life insurance since they tend to live longer.9 Companies like Nationwide and Guardian can provide large coverage amounts.9 Your age and health really impact the price you pay for insurance.9 When you apply for life insurance, they will ask about your health, smoking, and family history.9 Different types of permanent life insurance meet various financial needs. They also come with a cash value component.9 Choosing between term and permanent life insurance depends on your coverage and cost needs.9

Immediate Growth with 100% Premium Allocation


HSBC’s EliteWealth is a special type of investment plan. It’s called an investment-linked insurance plan or ILP.10 It offers an amazing feature – a 100% premium allocation rate. Every dollar you put in works for you right away in the fund you choose. This gets your investment growing without any delay.10 Unlike plans with lower rates, EliteWealth kicks off your growth on day one with no extra charges.10

With HSBC’s EliteWealth, your annual basic premium gets a full 100% allocation. This means immediate increase with each payment you make.10 Your wealth starts to build up right from the start of your policy. It’s a unique benefit that makes EliteWealth stand out, letting your money grow from the first day.

Feature HSBC’s EliteWealth
Premium Allocation Rate 100%10
Annual Basic Premium Range RM20,000 – RM500,000 per life10
Fund Management Charges (FMC) 0.75% – 1.50% per annum10
Death Coverage Up to 100 years old10
Scenario Account Value at Year 30 2.02 times the total basic premium paid10

By making use of the 100% premium allocation of HSBC’s EliteWealth, you can amplify the growth potential of your money right from the start. Your funds start working for you immediately, aiming to grow your wealth in the long run.

Immediate Growth with 100% Premium Allocation

Guaranteed Issuance Offering (GIO)

HSBC’s EliteWealth has a plan you can join without a doctor’s checkup. This is called a Guaranteed Issuance Offering (GIO). You can sign up if you pay between $20,000 and $500,000. It’s great for those who might find it hard to get life insurance elsewhere, like if they’re not well or for other reasons.11

11 This kind of insurance pays between $2,000 to $25,000 when the insured person dies.11 But, before it starts paying, you might need to wait two to three years. During this time, you wouldn’t receive any money if someone passed away. Though, if the person insured dies during this waiting time, the money the family paid gets back to them, plus 10% interest.

11 In 2021, insurance companies got $159.5 billion in premiums from people like you. They made another $200.8 billion from smart investments. Yet, they also paid out $362.7 billion because some people quit their insurance.11 For these companies, making more money from investments is key. This makes them less reliant on just premiums.

11 If someone is not doing well health-wise, they might turn to plans that don’t check too hard on that. Insurers have different rules on who they cover. But choosing less detailed plans might not be the best in the long term. This is especially true if someone lives a long time, more than they expected.11

11 Insurance companies might have to wait five years to start making a profit from plans that don’t peek too much into your health.11

12 There’s also something called a Guaranteed Insurability (GI) rider. This rider lets you buy more insurance later, without new health checks.12 You can use this rider to get more coverage every three or five years, on the policy’s starting date.12 People often add more insurance through this rider when big life events happen, like when they get married or have a baby.12

12 If you have this type of insurance rider, you usually need to decide to add more coverage within 30 to 90 days from when you can first do it.12 It’s a good idea to have this rider especially if you think you might not be as healthy in the future. It’s also good if sickness tends to run in your family.12 This rider helps you ensure your insurance money will still be enough if your family grows or you have more life expenses.12 Adding this kind of option to your insurance costs more. But it can save you a lot more in the end if you need it.

Power Up Your Investment with Loyalty Bonus

At HSBC, rewarding our customers with the EliteWealth plan is key. We give a Loyalty Bonus, which is 15% of the most recent basic premium you paid. This bonus goes directly into your policy account after the 5th year, if you’ve paid all premiums and didn’t withdraw any money before.13 It shows we value your commitment to secure your financial future with us.

Limited Premium Payment Term


HSBC’s EliteWealth eases your money worries with its 5-year premium term. You get to flexibly manage your finances while still enjoying the investment funds and life coverage up to 100 years old. Your family is protected for the long haul, covering your financial and safety needs if the unexpected happens.

Long-Term Protection

Choosing HSBC’s EliteWealth means getting covered for up to 100 years. It secures your family’s future, offering peace of mind no matter what life brings. This solid plan allows you and your loved ones to keep winning against sudden hurdles, making sure you’re ready for anything.

Loyalty Bonus

Wealth Distribution and Beneficiary Planning

HSBC’s EliteWealth helps you give some of your money to loved ones without the usual hassles. This way, your family’s future money needs are looked after, even if bad things happen. It gives you peace knowing your money will go where you want.14

It’s very important to pick who gets your money. If you don’t, it can cause confusion and make it slow for your loved ones to get what’s theirs. For example, savings like a 401(k) could get stuck in court if no one is named to get it. Life insurance, too, could end up in the wrong hands without clear directions. So, be sure you say who gets what, even small things like accounts need a person’s name.14

Tell the whole story about who should get your money, like their full name and how you know them. Sometimes, you need to add things like where they live, their birthday, and social security number. You can give your money to family, friends, or even charities. But sometimes, rules on where they live or who’s giving the money may limit this.14

Some places say your husband or wife always gets your money first, unless you both agree otherwise. Kids under 18 might also get your money, with someone else watching over it until they’re old enough. For family members who need long-term help, a special plan might be needed to keep their government support. This plan is usually a trust just for them.14

You can change who gets your money anytime. But, the hard part is remembering to do this after big events like a new marriage or someone passing away. Sometimes, though, you can’t change who gets the money, especially if you’ve already agreed to it. If you make a mistake or forget, the money might not go where you really wanted it to.14



In today’s uncertain economy, having a strong financial plan is key. This includes how you protect, grow, and share your wealth. HSBC’s EliteWealth is designed to help with all of this. It offers things like a 100% premium allocation9 and Loyalty Bonus. These can improve your financial planning and secure your family’s future.9

With this top-tier life insurance, we can make the most of our finances. EliteWealth includes different policies, meeting various needs and budgets.9 Plus, getting a plan is easy with the Guaranteed Issuance Offering. You don’t need a medical checkup to apply.

Also, the Loyalty Bonus gives us a 15% increase in premiums after five years.9 This, along with being able to choose how long to pay premiums, means we can shape our financial future. It helps keep our families safe and well.


What is the primary purpose of purchasing a life insurance product?

The main reason to buy life insurance is the death benefit. It helps with funeral expenses, debts, and your family’s future needs if you pass away.

How are life insurance applicants assigned to risk classes?

Insurers assign risk classes based on your health and lifestyle. The healthiest and safest are in the “Super Preferred Nonsmoker” class, getting the best rates.

How does the underwriting process consider financial factors?

Your income and assets are looked at to see if your coverage amount makes sense. They also check your other life policies before approving your coverage amount.

How does an applicant’s credit history impact the underwriting process?

Underwriters check your credit for the last seven years. If you’ve had a bankruptcy, you might pay more for life insurance due to increased risk.

How can quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy weight help secure better life insurance rates?

Quitting smoking leads to lower life insurance costs. Smokers often pay much more than nonsmokers. Being healthy and at a normal weight can also improve your rates.

Why is it important to shop around for life insurance?

It’s crucial to compare different companies because their underwriting rules vary. You may get a better deal elsewhere. Using an independent agent can simplify this process.

What are the key features and benefits of HSBC’s EliteWealth life insurance plan?

HSBC’s EliteWealth plan boasts top perks like a 100% premium allocation rate, Guaranteed Issuance Offering, and a Loyalty Bonus. It also offers 5 years limited premium payment and coverage up to 100 years, making it great for your financial future and your family’s security.

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