Innovations in Education Technology

The Future of Education Technology® Conference (FETC®) is ready to showcase over 60 new products. These innovations are set to change the learning experience for both students and teachers.1 They include virtual and augmented reality, adaptive learning, and AI-powered tutoring. The tech world is moving fast, bringing many new opportunities for better learning.

FETC 2022 will introduce products like an AI Textbook for middle and high school. Also, a wireless system by BenQ and a fun drawing game by Breeze Creative will be shown.1 Companies such as Certiport, Clear Touch, and more will also bring their latest tech. All these products aim to make learning more innovative and engaging.

The latest in education tech can change teaching and learning for the better. Virtual classrooms, personalized learning, and data-driven decisions are becoming more available. These innovations focus on teamwork, better communication, and getting students excited about learning.

Key Takeaways

  • Over 60 new education technology products were introduced at the recent FETC 2022 conference.
  • The innovations span a wide range of areas, including virtual reality, augmented reality, adaptive learning, and AI-powered tutoring.
  • Leading companies in the education technology space are unveiling solutions to enhance collaboration, communication, and student engagement.
  • The latest education technology trends are transforming the classroom, offering new opportunities to personalize learning and make data-driven decisions.
  • Educators and administrators are embracing these innovative solutions to elevate the teaching and learning experience.

Revolutionizing the Learning Experience

At FETC 2022, new products are changing how students learn. There’s the “Draw Alive” game by Breeze Creative. It lets students turn their 2D drawings into 3D worlds.2 Augmented reality is joining classrooms, too. This helps make lessons more exciting with new tools. Imagine learning through games like the Gamestormers board game. They add fun and depth to the learning process.3

Virtual Reality in Education

Virtual reality (VR) tech is bringing a whole new way of learning. With “Draw Alive”, students dive into 3D worlds to study. This method is not just cool; it also boosts creativity and problem-solving skills.2

Augmented Reality in the Classroom

Augmented reality (AR) brings digital layers to the real world. It helps students see and touch complicated ideas. This makes lessons more interactive and interesting. AR will only get better in the future.3

Gamification in Learning

Gamification is shaking up learning with fun elements. Platforms like the Gamestormers board game introduce game features. This not only makes lessons more fun but also boosts student motivation and learning retention.3


Personalized and Adaptive Learning

Education tech is making learning more personalized. Tools like AIClub’s AI Textbook offer tailored tutoring. This means the learning suits each student’s unique needs.4

Adaptive learning is also getting popular. It changes how fast or what you learn based on your progress. This helps every student do well.4

Artificial Intelligence-Powered Tutoring

AIClub’s AI tutoring is changing how students get help. It looks at data to find what each student needs. Then, it guides them in a way that works best for them.4

This kind of tutoring uses AI to fit each student. It considers their style and helps them learn better. So, everyone has a chance to succeed.4

Adaptive Learning Systems

Adaptive learning is changing education for the better. It creates a learning path just for you. AI studies how you learn and adjusts the lessons for you.4

This means the more you learn, the more the system knows how to help you. So, learning becomes easier and more effective for everyone.4

Adaptive learning helps in many ways. It keeps you working at your best and helps you fix mistakes fast. It lets you track your progress and set goals.4

For teachers, adaptative learning gives them great tools. They can see how each student’s doing and plan lessons that help everyone. Learning becomes more personal and effective.4

Straive is a top name in education tech with over 15 years of experience. They work with many to improve how they learn. They keep striving to make learning better with new tech.4


personalized learning

Innovations in Education Technology

The world of education technology is always changing. It brings new ways to make learning better. For example, ClickView’s new elementary platform helps teachers and students. It gives them interesting stuff to learn that matches their lessons. This is super useful for learning from home or in a mix of school and home settings.5

E-Learning Platforms

These platforms are flexible and easy to use. Teachers can share great lessons with kids. This makes learning more exciting. It’s all about working together and being interested in what’s being taught.5

Virtual Classrooms

Thanks to tools like BenQ’s wireless presentation system, online classes are becoming better. They allow students and teachers to have more natural and fun lessons together.5 They are changing the way learning happens, whether it’s all online or sometimes in person.

Educational Apps

There are also many apps and computer programs to help students learn and have fun. For example, Codesters’ Python Certification and Cybersecurity Curriculum and Capstone’s PebbleGo Create offer new ways to learn. These tools aim to make learning more personal, dynamic, and enjoyable for every student.5

E-Learning Platforms Virtual Classrooms Educational Apps
ClickView’s new elementary platform BenQ’s wireless presentation system Codesters’ Python Certification and Cybersecurity Curriculum
Engaging, curriculum-connected content and tools for remote and hybrid learning Seamless and interactive online instruction Capstone’s PebbleGo Create digital workspace
Fostering collaboration and engagement among students Revolutionizing the way students and teachers connect, collaborate, and learn Making learning more interactive, personalized, and fun for students

Enhancing Collaboration and Communication

Technology in education is changing how students and teachers work together.6 Online tools like Flathat make teamwork simple, even from afar.

The use of digital curriculums, for example EVERFI, makes learning fun and relevant.6 This ease of integration helps everyone get involved, building stronger connections.

Online Collaboration Tools

6 Tech offers many ways for classes to work as a team.6 Trello, Asana, or can organize group work, making it easy to follow.


With Google Workspace or Microsoft OneDrive, editing documents with others is a breeze.6 Tools such as Zoom and Edmodo bring students together, allowing for lively discussions and sharing of thoughts.

Digital Curriculums

7 Google Classroom is a big player in EdTech, helping teachers and students connect.7 Microsoft Teams allows for chatting, video calls, and sharing files, all key for teamwork.7 Padlet acts as a digital board where students post their work in various forms.7 Flipgrid encourages speaking up through its video discussions.

Nearpod’s lessons and questions set the stage for joint learning projects.7

6 Yet, it can be tough for teachers to pick the best tools for group work.6 Still, students love the tech boost for working together, feeling more involved.6 Educators notice this, believing it sharpens students’ problem-solving skills.

Debating on online platforms is a hit, boosting how much students interact by 43%.6 Meanwhile, working on projects with peers around the globe ups multicultural understanding by 38%.6 Technology also helps make learning a more welcoming space, according to 89% of educators.6

online collaboration tools

Data-Driven Decision Making

In education, tech innovations are giving teachers powerful tools8. Tools like those from Hāpara offer deep insights into how students are doing. They help teachers and school leaders see where they can do better. This way, schools can offer the best learning experiences tailored to each student9

Teachers are starting to check many kinds of info to see how students are doing9. They use things like quizzes and watch how kids act in class. This helps them pick the best ways to teach each student9.

Now, they also use tech tools like apps and spreadsheets. These make it easier to sort through the data and spot what’s helping students or not9.

8 Working together is making a big difference. Places like Laurel Public Schools are teaming up with experts. They’re making tools that help teachers do better every day. These new ways are fighting tough challenges, like big differences in how well different students do8.

9 Looking outside the classroom is key. Teachers need to see what other things can help or hold back students. Using this info for personalized teaching can make a big change. It’s making education fairer and better for everyone9.

Cutting-Edge Hardware Solutions

Education tech is growing fast with both new software and high-tech hardware. Companies like Clear Touch are creating new interactive panels. These panels include 4K resolution, better sound, and the ability to touch the screen in many places. This technology is making learning more fun and interactive for students.


Advanced tech in education has changed how we learn. Things like interactive whiteboards and student response systems are making a big difference.10
Smart Boards are an example of these interactive whiteboards. They make classes more lively, with something for every type of learner.10
Then, there are systems like iClicker and Kahoot. They give instant feedback, which makes learning hands-on. Teachers can quickly change how they teach based on this feedback.10
Lastly, 3D printers let students create physical models of what they’re learning. This makes scientific concepts, like those in biology, much clearer.


Cutting-Edge Hardware Solutions Key Features Impact on Learning
Interactive Whiteboards 4K resolution, multi-touch capabilities, enhanced audio Increased student engagement, dynamic and interactive lessons, cater to diverse learning styles
Student Response Systems Real-time feedback, interactive features Enhanced interactivity, ability to adjust teaching methods on the fly
3D Printers Create tangible models of concepts Improved comprehension and retention of complex ideas, especially in subjects like biology

cutting-edge hardware solutions

Securing the Digital Classroom

More tech in classrooms means we must focus on strong security.11 Companies like ContentKeeper and Forward Edge provide top-notch cybersecurity for K-12. They use advanced tech, like blockchain, to keep the digital classroom safe and keep student data private.

Blockchain in Education

Blockchain in education changes how we handle student info and records.11 With blockchain, records are secure, transparent, and safe from changes, keeping student details confidential.11 This way improves security. It also lets students and parents take more control of their academic info.

Schools using blockchain can make secure digital certificates. This helps with student transfers and cuts down on administration work.11 Plus, [blockchain in education] lets students keep track of their achievements in a new, effective way.

The [blockchain in education] sector is growing. Schools are seeing how much this tech can help protect the digital classroom.11 Investing in proper cybersecurity, including blockchain, safeguards student data. It also opens up chances for personalized learning and stronger student empowerment.

Professional Development for Educators


Integrating technology into classrooms means teachers need to keep learning too. Platforms like E-Therapy’s eQUIP are helping educators. They learn to handle digital tools, build great student relationships, and look after well-being.12This helps schools and districts get the most from what they invest in education technology.13The National Education Technology Plan (NETP) is big in the US. It guides how tech can help learning. Teachers use it in their professional circles. They talk about its impact on teaching and student learning.13 There’s a policy brief too. It tackles tech challenges in teacher training. And the Future Ready Schools Toolkit helps make custom learning plans that match district goals.13

Across the US, schools are picking openly shared educational tools through #GoOpen. The Future Ready Leaders project shows how strong leadership brings lasting changes in teaching. It shares school stories of tech success, offering tips to others.13

Educator training mixes in-person meetings, online classes, and web-based talks. This variety helps teachers grow in creating exciting, fair classrooms. They learn about Google Workspace, Office 365, and ways to do learning projects.12Good teacher training focuses on thinking, the way to teach, teamwork, and talking with others. This gets students ready for a high-tech future. Educators often do hands-on work, online chats, and receive personal coaching. At the end, they create projects and papers for extra learning credits.

12professional development for educators


The world of education technology is changing fast. Today, we see many new tools that aim to make learning better for both students and teachers. This includes things like virtual and augmented reality, tailored learning plans, and more. These innovations in education technology are changing the game in classrooms everywhere.11

With these new tech tools, schools are getting ready to offer more engaging and fair learning experiences for every student. They are preparing kids for the world of tomorrow. By using the latest in education technology innovations, we are on the brink of a major change in how we learn. This will lift both students and teachers to new levels of success.

The future of learning is already here. Thanks to innovations in education technology, schools and districts can do more to help students succeed. They are embracing new ways of learning, working together, and getting personalized help. This ensures that every student can do well in the modern world.


What are some of the new products being introduced at the upcoming Future of Education Technology® Conference (FETC®)?

The FETC® will feature over 60 new products at the event. These include cutting-edge tech in virtual reality and device management. There’s also an AI Textbook for middle and high school, a wireless system from BenQ, a drawing game by Breeze Creative, and a platform from E-Therapy for mental health.

How are virtual reality and augmented reality being used in the classroom?

Tools like Breeze Creative’s “Draw Alive” game let students make their 2D drawings 3D. Augmented reality is also gaining ground. It brings lessons to life in new, exciting ways.

How is gamification being integrated into the learning experience?

Platforms like Gamestormers use gamification to make learning engaging and fun for students.

How are AI and adaptive learning systems being used to personalize the learning experience?

AI from AIClub and adaptive systems offer personalized learning support. They adjust to each student’s needs, helping everyone succeed.

What are some of the innovative e-learning platforms and virtual classroom solutions being introduced?

New platforms, like ClickView for elementary students, bring interactive content. Virtual classrooms, with help from BenQ, aim for better online learning experiences.

How are online collaboration tools and digital curriculums enhancing collaboration and communication in the classroom?

Tools from Flathat boost teamwork for students and teachers, even in online settings. Digital curriculums by EVERFI offer fun, aligned resources, increasing student collaboration and interest.

How are learning analytics solutions empowering educators to make data-driven decisions?

Platforms like Hāpara provide insights on student performance, guiding educators on how to improve learning wisely. These tools help make teaching more effective.

What types of cutting-edge hardware solutions are being introduced to enhance the learning experience?

Clear Touch is launching interactive panels with advanced features. These include 4K resolution and better audio, improving how students learn in class.

How are education technology companies addressing the need for robust cybersecurity solutions in the digital classroom?

Companies like ContentKeeper and Forward Edge work on strong cybersecurity for schools. They use blockchain and other tech to protect online learning and student info.

How are education technology companies supporting the professional development of educators?

E-Therapy’s platform, eQUIP, helps teachers with mental health training. It equips them to handle digital classrooms, support students, and care for their well-being.

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